Invitation for the Topics
We are happy to invite you to present/speak at the conference SSQ 2016. The speaker blocks are 40 minutes, medium as you prefer (i.e. powerpoint) and focusing on one of the below session topics.
Session Topics
- Machine, Mind and Consciousness
- Philosophy of Science and Spirituality.
- Life and its Origin
- Logical & Mathematical approach to the ultimate reality.
- Evolution of the Consciousness with Spirituality and Science.
- Cosmology of Life and Universe.
- Vedic Cosmology.
- Biotechnology: Scientific and Spiritual perspectives.
- Spirituality and Health.
- Role of Science in Interfaith Dialogue.
- Vedanta and Science.
- Quantum Physics and its Limits.
- Science, Ethics and Spirituality.
- Any topic that is concerned with the Synthesis of Science and Spirituality is most welcome.
If you wish to present your work at the Congress, please send us the title and abstract before 15th August 2016. The speakers will have 40 minutes time for each presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers with the audience. (Powerpoint or other medium may be used).