7th Swiss Congress on Science And Spiritual Quest

Dear Candidate,

We are happy for your interest to present a PowerPoint presentation related with the dialogue of Science and Spiritual Quest. Here are some important informations regarding the Congress on October 27, 2018.

We would like to ask you to kindly send your abstract about 500 words to World Peace Convention before the 1st September 2018 by the following topics (please bring your presentation on PowerPoint medium saved on a USB stick).


Congress on Life – Origin, Meaning, Purpose


  • Life – Its Origin and Purpose
  • Mathematics of Life
  • Science of Consciousness
  • Biodiversity and philosophy of Life
  • Neuroscience perspective on Life
  • Quantum Physics and Life
  • Artificial Intelligence and Life
  • Science of Aging
  • Embryology
  • Free-will, Responsibility and Human Values

Important note:

Please send your academic tittle to allow our programme to be printed (for ex. MSC, PhD, Bachelor… from which institution or which university, school or college…).

When you would like to receive more specific informations regarding the topic of your choice please send a request as soon as possible.