The Systems View of Science and Transcendence
Prof. Pier Luigi Luisi (Professor Emeritus ETH Zürich, Schweiz und Universität Rom, Italien)
The notion of life for science, which is only based on chemistry-no vital force, no divine contribution; how an enlarged view of life can bring to the notion of totality (the whole) and therefore to a nondualistic view; with the question, to be discussed, whether following the systems view in a purely scientific, lay sense, one may arrive at conceiving some form of spirituality.
[arve url=”” align=”center” title=”Prof. Pier Luigi Luisi: The Systems View of Science and Transcendence” description=”Speaker: Prof. Pier Luigi Luisi (Professor Emeritus ETH Zürich, Schweiz und Universität Rom, Italien), 6th Swiss Congress on Science and Spiritual Quest, September 17, 2016. The notion of life for science, which is only based on chemistry-no vital force, no divine contribution; how an enlarged view of life can bring to the notion of totality (the whole) and therefore to a nondualistic view; with the question, to be discussed, whether following the systems view in a purely scientific, lay sense, one may arrive at conceiving some form of spirituality.”/]